Violeta Parra Remembering Violeta Parra 10/08/1990 - Violeta was one of twelve million Chileans who lived squeezed between the Pacific Ocean and the Andean Mountains. The majority of these people have always lived in poverty. However, the sacrifices of the Chilean workers have translated into increased wealth for businessmen within and outside the country. Chile has been blessed with exceptional resources: fertile land, rich coast lines, boundless creativity. If it were not for capitalist greed Chileans could live a life "more beautiful than the sunrise."
Violeta Parra Translated Songs 10/08/1990 - This selection of songs by Violeta Parra are translation of the songs presented in 1990 in Cambridge, Massachusetts. Some are translated in full. The following songs were translated: Al centro de la injusticia, Rin del Angelito, La exiliada del sur, La jardinera, Maldigo del alto cielo, Cantores que reflexionan, La pericona, Casamiento de negros, Volver a los 17, Corazón maldito, Qué he sacado con quererte, Paloma ausente, El albertío, Pupila de aguila, Run-run se fue pa'l norte, and Gracias a la vida. Violeta Parra: A Presentation 08/06/1990 - A Friday, June 8, 1990, after six months of rehearsals, a group of musicians and non-musicians, which included Elena Brauchy (Chile), Melania Bruno (Puerto Rico), Mérida Castillo (Cuba), Tito Fuster (España), Alfredo Gómez (Uruguay), Yolanda Meléndez (Puerto Rico), Marisa Peralta (Chile), Miguel Pérez (Puerto Rico), Sergio Reyes (Chile), Carlos Salamanca (Puerto Rico), Ricardo Sánchez (Colombia), Carlos Suárez (Perú), Juan Vargas (Puerto Rico) and Mary Westropp (U.S.), presented to a mixed Latino and American public the life of Violeta Parra. An American friend, a professional theater stage lighting specialist gave us his gift of talent and time to create the right environment with lights. |