How to activate the WiFi adapter on the Dell Latitude 2100 for use with Linux Lubuntu 23/03/2020 - Trying to reuse an old netbook Dell Latitude 2100 with a light version of Ubuntu, Lubuntu, everything installed okay, except for the wifi card. As it is typical with good old Linux, it is not easy to find solutions, unless you find a guru that by no means would be able to guide anybody who is not or to explain what can be done.
To be fair, there are so many solutions that have been developed by volunteers throughout the world that chances are that someone had already worked on this, and there it was. After days of general Google searches and impossible suggestions that didn’t work, I came accross documentation from Ubuntu itself about the subject.
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Find and replace paragraph mark in Libre Office Write 07/08/2017 - As it is often the case, converts from MS Office to Libre Office find that some actions they used to do easily in Word are not the same in Writer. Many give up and switch back to the MS product. A case in point is the simple process of finding (searching in Word) a paragraph character to replace it with something else.
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Solving UTF 8 issues with international characters on PHP7 13/12/2016 - An Internet seach for "problems with UTF 8 and international characters", generates 10th of thousand hits. This is where I was when trying to solve the problem of the infamous replacement code chracter >. I reached out to technical support from my web host, whitout success. I was told over and over again that I needed to update my scripts to new standards, and that was the extent of their support. I chatted, called, checked useless knowledge docs, and nothing. My host, 1and1, came out though with what we can call a "business" solution: they would maintain the old php5 version... for an additional monthly fee. After, thousands of trial an error attempts, I was able to make it work. No matter how much I defined that the character set I was going to be working with was UTF 8 in my scripts, the browsers (all of them!) just didn't want to comply. I will not explain more here. I wrote a 2-page paper that ruled my many conversions to this new standard. These steps worked for me. If they do the trick for you also, happy to share.
Here is the document. No charge! :) [ + ]
LibrePlan, Open Source Potential Unfulfilled 28/09/2015 - It is hard to be an Open Source Software champion when you choose what appears to be promising OSS but then shortfalls are discovered and there are no easy solutions for them. That was my case after putting a whole lot of work into LibrePlan (www.libreplan.com). On surface, it looked like we could introduce this solution to our non-profit organization as we strived to incorporate project management into our management tools. [ + ]
Nonprofit Organizations Could Run on Open Source Software 17/09/2015 - This paper addresses the disconnection between the efforts of the open source software (OSS) community and the nonprofit community. In spite of the quality software produced by the open source software community, the nonprofit world doesn't seem to realize that they can use the results of those efforts to run their organizations rather than being married to proprietary, many times expensive, software.
To read the entire paper click here.
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